Pittsburgh Office Digs In for Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
As part of Lochner’s Giving Back Initiative, employees throughout the firm participate in an annual group service project that benefits the local communities in which they live, work, and play. This week, we are featuring the volunteer efforts of our Pittsburgh office at the 134-acre Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve. On May 11, 2019, Lochner’s Pittsburgh employees planted 26 trees and shrubs, approximately two to three gallons in size, to support birds, wildlife, and pollinators. Our staff also weeded and cleaned up the landscaping around the garden area trails, which helps the native plants and wildlife to thrive.
Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve—located in Fox Chapel, a suburb of Pittsburgh—is the headquarters of the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania and provides a variety of habitat for native flora, fauna, and wildlife. It also offers over five miles of walking trails and educational opportunities for residents of all ages.
Click here to check out other Giving Back Initiative features.
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