Based on the Wastewater Master Plan completed by our team, it was projected that the city of Hutto would surpass the capacity of its existing wastewater treatment facilities. The city’s previous wastewater treatment facility allowed for an annual average daily flow of 1.7 million gallons per day (MGD), consisting of two individual plants, Plant #1 and Plant #2.
The recently completed Hutto Regional Wastewater Master Plan indicated that the rated plant capacity of 1.5 MGD would be exceeded, necessitating the design and construction of new treatment facilities by that year to accommodate the projected population growth. The city decided to construct a new 2 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant, having obtained a discharge permit with limits set at an annual average effluent flow of 2 MGD and a 2-hour peak effluent flow of 8 MGD.
Our team was selected to lead the design of the new Hutto South Wastewater Treatment Plant, providing services across five phases: Preliminary Design, Final Design, Bid Phase, Construction, and Warranty Phase Services. The Preliminary Design Phase focused on identifying treatment processes, equipment preferences, mitigation methods for odor, noise, lighting, and ancillary facilities. It also included a contingency plan for potential accelerated flow increases at the existing plant or unexpected delays in constructing the new plant. The selected sequencing batch reactor (SBR) over a conventional flow-through plant was deemed optimal for its cost-effectiveness and potential for future expansion. The Final Design Phase, building on the Preliminary Design, produced an updated Design Report and construction documents. Bid and Construction followed upon acceptance of the documents and authorization to proceed. With the new plant’s proximity to existing homes, our team prioritized controlling odor, noise, and light pollution. Through an accelerated schedule, our team collaborated closely with the city to ensure the new plant’s completion before the existing facility exceeded its capacity.