Pittsburgh Office Hosts Donation Drive for Women’s Shelter
Lochner’s Pittsburgh office hosted a donation drive for the Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh as part of Lochner’s Giving Back program. For over 45 years, the Center has been a leader in providing specialized care and support for survivors who have experienced all types of intimate partner violence through Support Groups, Legal Advocacy, Hotline Services, a Children’s Advocacy Program, and more. The Center serves more than 8,000 adults and children through a system of programs and services designed to help them start a new chapter in their lives.
Employees collected seven totes full of items that are essential to the shelter’s operations, in addition to some basic personal necessities to those seeking assistance. Donations collected during the drive included air mattresses and linens, gift cards, towels, flip flops, personal grooming products, laundry detergent, snacks, and kitchen supplies.
Click here to check out other Giving Back activities from across the firm.