I-84 Reconstruction Project Wins Award
The reconstruction of I-84, from Washington Street to Pierpont Road, in Waterbury, Connecticut, was selected as the 2019 Operations Excellence Award winner in the Large Project category by the Northeast Association of Transportation Officials (NASTO).
The I-84 Reconstruction project’s 2.7-mile section of roadway was a well-known bottleneck, requiring traffic to merge from a three-lane to two-lane section in each direction. In an effort to alleviate congestion, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) hired Lochner as a construction engineering and inspection (CEI) consultant to oversee the addition of a third travel lane in each direction. With a $275-million construction cost, the project also included roadway realignment, new interchanges, nine new bridges, 20 retaining walls, six box culverts, and the relocation of Mad River and Beaver Pond Brook, which snake their way under I-84 from one end of the project to the other.
NASTO recognized the I-84 Reconstruction project for minimizing delays and disruptions to commuters while also completing construction a year early. The project team accomplished this feat by reducing lane widths and shifting traffic through multiple stages while only requiring lane closures at night, allowing the traveling public to safely travel through the project area.
Read more about the I-84 Reconstruction project and award by clicking here.
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I-84 Reconstruction, Washington Street to Pierpont Road
2019 NASTO Operations Excellence Award, Large Category