Lochner Airport Project Receives Award
The Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association (MAPA) recognizes quality asphalt projects completed within the state of Missouri at their annual conference. The 28th Annual MAPA Conference was held January 8-10 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. Awards were given to winners and runner ups for outstanding projects in nine categories, allowing project contractors, owners, and engineers to be recognized for their efforts on these projects. Submissions are evaluated based on smoothness, longitudinal joints, segregation, degree of difficulty, innovative practices, uniqueness of the project, and overall quality. This year, Lochner’s Runway 13-31 Reconstruction Project at the Ava Bill Martin Memorial Airport received a Quality Paving Award in the Airport Paving Category.
Lochner was selected by the Missouri Department of Transportation to provide design phase services under a Multi-Airport Selection contract. Under this contract, Lochner performed basic engineering and bidding phase services to complete pavement maintenance projects at 10 airports. One project called for the reconstruction of Runway 13-31 at Ava Bill Martin Memorial Airport. Following the design, Lochner was contracted by the City of Ava to provide construction, engineering and inspection (CEI) services. The project comprised of a base bid to replace the four-inch asphalt wearing surface on Runway 13-31, with an add alternate to reconstruct the aircraft parking apron which included soil stabilization, base rock, and new four-inch asphalt wearing surface. This project was the largest construction project the Ava Bill Martin Memorial Airport has completed in over 20 years.
Lochner’s Chris Flageolle (second from left) Accepting Award
Largest construction project the Ava Bill Martin Memorial Airport has completed in 20 years.