CR 250 Over Suwannee River Bridge Replacement
Location Suwannee County, Florida
Owner Florida Department of Transportation, District 2
Client Florida Department of Transportation, District 2
- Drilled Shaft Foundation Design
- Permitting Support
- Bridge Replacement
- Highway/Roadway Design
- Culvert Design
Located on the border of Suwannee and Lafayette Counties near Dowling Park, the County Road (CR) 250 bridge over Suwannee River was a 723-foot-long, two-lane structure with no shoulders. The bridge was built in the mid-1950s and reached the end of its service life. District 2 of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) opted to replace the bridge and hired Lochner to provide design services.
Lochner’s design of the new two-lane bridge incorporated ten-foot-wide shoulders and is 770 feet long. Once it was constructed, the new centerline was located approximately 43 feet south of the existing centerline. The project also improved the area around an agricultural inspection station and extended a box culvert, which serves as a relief structure for the Suwannee River Bridge.
Due to the fluctuation of the river’s elevation, low water levels would not accommodate the use of a barge during construction, so Lochner included work platforms in the project design. Additional considerations included the environmentally sensitive Suwannee River, which is listed as an Outstanding Florida Water and a critical habitat for the Gulf Sturgeon, an endangered species. Appropriate protection methods, including vibratory and blasting restrictions, were utilized construction to prevent harm to the Gulf Sturgeon.
Lochner’s additional responsibilities included hosting public meetings for local residents to provide up-to-date project information and answer community concerns.
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